The long-anticipated sequel to 2011’s “Story Girl,” the Gothard Sisters’ new album, Compass, is a Celtic-folk musical adventure weaving elements of celtic, folk, pop, rock and world influences with the sisters’ signature youthful sprinkle of joyful exuberance, Mozart and fairy dust. Both new arrangements of beloved songs in the folk tradition and sparkling originals are included in this joyful new exploration by the Gothard Sisters.
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I Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Found Greta, Willow, and Solana Gothard are three multitalented sisters hailing from the Pacific Northwest. They play a variety of instruments (focusing on strings), and perform traditional Celtic music as well as their own Celtic-tinged compositions. They are also champion stepdancers.Their videos are great fun to watch. They always remind me a little of Tolkien’s elves, bright, blonde and ethereal, an image reinforced by the natural settings in which they play and their frequent use of…
Gothard sisters are amazingly talented