Dragon Ball Z – Cooler’s Revenge – Feature (Uncut)
Set seven years after the original “Dragonball” series, this popular anime show centers around seven mysterious dragon balls that, when gathered, will summon a god who can grant any wish. Filled with action, this character-driven saga has many fans worldwide.Originally released in 1991, the fifth Dragon Ball Z feature (a.k.a. Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou–“Fantastic Ultimate Strength vs. Ultimate Strength”) involves the characters from the TV episodes, but in an unrelated continuity. Goku and Gohan set off on a camping trip with Krillin and Oolong, but their outing turns into a battle royal when they’re attacked by the minions of Cooler, Frieza’s older brother. Piccolo appears as a Nameck ex machina to aid Gohan, but the centerpiece of the film is the battle between Goku in his Super-Saiyan form and Cooler, who looks like a purple iguana in a football uniform. The various Dragon Ball properties balance slapstick and fantastic action; Cooler’s Revenge offers lots of action, and a rock soundtrack, but little comedy. Unrated: Suitable for ages 8 and up; contains cartoon violence. –Charles Solomon
Product Features
- Saving the universe can be a tiring business! So after their big battle with Frieza on Namek, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Oolong decide to take a little camping trip for some rest and relaxation back on Earth. But their peaceful weekend is soon interru
Best release you can get in North America This DVD contains Dragon Ball Z Movie 5: “The Incredible Strongest vs Strongest” or simply “Cooler’s Revenge.The plot of the movie is simple. Cooler (Coola) is the brother of DBZ series villain Freeza. After hearing about his death at the hand of a Saiyan he sets out to Earth to avenge his brother’s death and to restore honor to his family. Spoiler Alert: He doesn’t have such a great time when he gets there.The video quality is standard. In it’s original…
So glad I bought this! I had the VHS as a kid so when my TV with its VCR broke and we bought a flat-screen I knew this was definitely one of the first DBZ movies I would be replacing on DVD. Great action, awesome fight scenes and the music!! Awesome soundtrack picked for this one, I loved Breaking Point’s “Falling Down” playing when Piccolo rescues Gohan and goes up against Cooler’s goonies!! The American soundtrack is the main I bought this version instead of the movie pack (wasn’t sure if it had the U.S. or…
Great Movie For DBZ Fans Frieza, in all his foolishness, let the young Goku escape in a Saiyan spacepod during his battle with Bardock. Looking from afar was his brother, Cooler, who let the Saiyan child live stating that he would be Frieza’s eventual downfall. He couldn’t have been more correct…Now that the tyrant Frieza has finally fallen, Cooler has arrived on Earth looking for Goku in order to seek revenge. Goku is not able to stand up to Cooler’s initial assault, so now it’s up to Gohan and all his…